Sunday, June 26, 2011

Walgreen Filler Items Explained

At Walgreen you are allowed to stack coupons as well as use their Register Rewards (RR) to bring down your total bill. Register Rewards are those coupons that print out that say $X.00 off your next purchase. Sometimes the register will beep and the cashier may tell you that you have too many coupons, this WILL happen, I promise. You will need to purchase a cheap "filler item". Their registers will only allow one coupon (register rewards are considered coupons) per item. So lets say you have 10 items with 10 Manufacturers coupons and you also have $1.00 in RR, so you will actually have 11 coupons, so you will need to buy some cheap item, (I like the $.09 pencils always on clearance) so that you will have 11 items to go with your 11 coupons!

Have a binder and clip less!

If you like the idea of having a binder and clipping less coupons... this is the way to go! It combines both organization systems into one!

Get your binder and dividers as I instructed before, but instead of getting baseball card inserts, get the full page ones. You can organize them by date instead of by items or store isles. For example: Your first divider could hold Date: 6/26, combine all of your like pages and add to the protectors one at a time (for double pages, cut them in half), this way you can flip through the dates and see what coupons you have, pull them and cut them as needed. If you run across a good deal and you know you have that coupon, look though your binder, find it, clip it and make your purchase!

How to organize your coupons without a binder

If you don't like toting a binder with you everywhere, don't worry! I have another way you can organize your coupons! (And you only cut the ones you need... as you need them!)

Leave your inserts in tack, don't cut any coupons unless you need them. Write on the outside of your insert the date they were released. For instance on the front page of ALL my Smart Source and Red Plum today, I wrote in marker 6/26. File them in a folder, zip lock baggie, or any other filing system that works for you in date order. I have hanging file folders with the date on the tabs, I put all of my inserts in that date and use a clip to clip the different inserts together. So like today, I have 2 clips... one for Red Plum and one for Smart Source.

Once you get your shopping list together and you know what coupons you will need for your trip, just go to that insert on the correct date and clip the coupons that you need. 

Of course the down fall to this system is that if you run across a great deal that you have a coupon for and it wasn't on the shopping list, you will not have your coupons with you. BUT... the good news is... your not breaking your back clipping and sorting all your coupons every week! It also makes it a lot easier to purge your expired coupons!


Every week I will be posting sale and coupon match ups so that you can make your list and have a nice and easy shopping trip. I match the sale adds with the coupons that we have already received, and tell you what coupons to use from what flier in order to get the best deals. The matchups are at the top of the page, just click on what store you are going to and see what you would like to purchase. Find your coupons and be on your way! Easy Peasy! Remember, if you have any questions, find us on face book and ask away! If I am not available, someone will be. Also, see my other post about getting your shopping list together. No need in stressing when couponing is so much fun!

We are trying to get other store matchups as well. Hopefully soon we will have Winn Dixie!! So keep an eye out and check our page regularly!

And don't forget... refer your friends! Real friends don't let friends pay full price!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Getting your shopping list together

What I do is, I go to the matchups for that store. I copy the items and coupons that I want to purchase from the matchups and paste them on a word document. Then I go through my binder or coupons and get out the ones that I need and also print any coupons from the internet that I need.

Once I have my list and my coupons all ready, I place my list and coupons in an envelope so that they are ready when I get to checkout. If an item is not in stock, you can get a raincheck and add that to your envelope for your next trip.

I carry my binder with me everywhere I go, you never know what types of deals you may run across. Others prefer to not have a binder at all and depend solely on the matchups. Whatever your preference, you are still sure to save a bunch!

Coupon Classes

We are working hard at getting a coupon class put together! If you have any ideas please let me know!

Printable Coupons

I have added all of the links to printable coupons above. You can usually print 2 coupons per computer. If you have multiple computers (they have to use different IP addresses) then you can print more. Occasionally on the high dollar coupons it will only allow you to print one. Also, if you are a Publix shopper and your Publix takes Target as a competitor, you can go to the Target web site and print some great coupons to stack with your Manufacturer coupons... this adds up to some wonderful savings!! For instance, Publix had BOGO ($4.99) Oscar Meyer Weiners this week, I have $1.00/2 Manufacturer coupons and also $0.75 Target coupons... I scored these for $1.25 a pack!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Your Coupon Binder

To get started you will need to purchase a few things, I know, I know, your supposed to save money right? Well this will help save your sanity and your money!

1) A 3 Ring 2-3 inch Binder
2) Dividers
3) Baseball card protector sheets, you can start out with one or two packs, and then buy more as you need them.
4) Envelopes
5) Scissors
6) Calculator
7) Zipper Bag with holes to put in your binder for storage

Label your dividers by sections of your grocery store. Below is a list of what I have:
Canned Goods
Drinks, Coffee, Tea
Frozen Veggies
Other Frozen Items
Cleaning Products
Toiletries (shampoo, girlly items, etc.)
Paper Products
Boxed Goods (Rice, Hamburger Helper, etc)
Smell Goods (Candles, Sprays, etc)

Once you have this done, you are ready to add your coupons!! :)

Where do I get all these coupons?

 I have 3 people in my home, me, my son and my hubby. So the rule of thumb is to buy one newspaper per person in your household, well, you always want to by in even numbers.. so I buy 4. This way, when you run across a great deal, you can get more than just one. For instance, I had 4 $3.00 off coupons this week for Bic Disposable Razors, well with the Publix sale, BOGO and they were only $5.49, I got them all FREE. But if I had only gotten one paper, I would have missed out on this deal!!! So always buy multiple papers so that you can stock up on items when they are dirt cheap!

I also use they have wonderful coupons on there daily. There is a print limit, so you normally are only able to print 2! If you have more than one computer, you are able to print 2 per computer!