Sales go in cycles, every item you buy is not going to be on sale every time you shop. For instance, Peanut Butter is an item that doesn't go on sale AND have coupons too many times during the year. So, when peanut butter is on sale and I can get it free or at a very low price, I stock up. This way, I will not have to purchase it at full price later. Since I have been adding different items to my stockpile every week, my shopping list has gotten much smaller. Now I only buy those items when they are very low again, and I do not typically run out in between.
Another reason is to have items on hand in case of emergency. My husband and I both got laid off a few years ago and we were NOT prepared. Had I started couponing before hand, we would have been in a much better situation. NOW if we are laid off, we are pretty well set for at least 6 months, maybe longer.
I will give another example... Toilet Paper. The type of TP that we prefer is usually over $10.00 for an 18 pack. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to get the same TP in a 12 pack for only $1.35. I bought 10 packs. For a little more than what I would have paid for an 18 rolls, I got 120 rolls.
The point of a stock pile is to get your grocery list down, hence lowering your monthly out of pocket. Once your stock pile is up, you will only need to buy what is on sale that week free or really cheap. So if you get a good deal... buy lots of it! People in the store may look at you like you are crazy, but once you ring up at the register and your total comes to under $20.00 for $200.00 worth of goods, they will be begging you to teach them!
Walgreens check system allows only one manufacturer certificate per item purchased.